my two alien paras Kipp and Moon. both are autsitic. both have a special interest in neurodiversity. Moon is nonvebal and uses ASL - Honey

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E PhoenixTober Day 26: Trick-or-Treat Bucket

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E PhoenixTober Day 17: Flying Saucer

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GM! Sevi's been saying that October is all about Halloween. He's been watching & re-watching spooky shows (skipping some parts) and he's even decided what he's going to go as. 🎃

Trick or Treat!
October 2021

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E PhoenixTober Day 8: Laughing Witch

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Sometimes it feels like the entire universe is coursing through your head when you need to solve a single problem.

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Gm! It's a new day and a new week. Ever wish you had 8 hands and 9 brains to finish everything that needs to be done?

Bodgie the Octopus by Sevi

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heyya!! Namez Din!! I'm an autistic girlflux lesbian and i love drawing!! Bright colours and funne charecters r my favz!! 🌈💖💫✨

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I usually just do bw sketches but when the theme is colors I really cant pass coloring to show off these cool colors. Sorry I socialized so little as the result, the jams were great though!!

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Day 6: Super Mira

By 10 y/o

Mira, is a girl who loves everything fashion, is a character created by 10 y/o Devya.
captures various moods & looks of Mira.

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