"Drawing allows time, the time to consider other stories." - George Butler

George Butler, award-winning reportage artist will be in conversation with Harry Parker in our next Creative conversation on Wed 16 Jun, 7pm.

Book your place: https://t.co/U46MjysKC9

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🚨 Segundo reportagem exclusiva do THS, a Feiticeira Escarlate será integrante da equipe Filhos da Meia-Noite (Midnight Sons), uma espécie de "Vingadores Sobrenaturais", que ganhará seu próprio filme pela Marvel Studios em breve.

🔗: https://t.co/GYvvt6AMK6

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Bailey Gate in Castle Acre, Norfolk. I have fond memories of driving around Norfolk sketching castles and fortifications for Heritage Today magazine, a few years ago!

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I love to do reportage, something I’m hoping comes back in to fashion for mainstream editorial so I can flyyyy.
I’ve had commissions from , otherwise it’s been personal projects for and billboards.
This work really speaks to people & gets them thinking.

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En plus de Skyward Sword HD, Twilight Princess et Wind Waker HD devraient aussi arriver sur Switch selon des rumeurs. D'après NateDrake, insider ayant annoncé le portage de Skyward Sword, Ocarina Of Time et Majora's Mask sont aussi prévus pour la fin d'année.
Qu'en pensez-vous ?

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Portage Media Co.
One of the recent project. I made 4 logo concepts for cool guys from Portage Media 🛶
Concept №1

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Reportagem: Jamil Chade - Brasil cai em ranking e entra em "zona vermelha" em liberdade de... https://t.co/mqa7fWnvv3 via

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Only been out for 4 wks. If you're a reviewer/part of an ARC-sharing group & you'd like a copy, pls DM me with address.

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Por último: sou jornalista e faço HQs e reportagens em quadrinhos pro Brasil e pra fora. Procurem conhecer meu trabalho!




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A new project, sketching the regeneration of the Stroudwater canal, for the reportage bid. And here's a few I did earlier!

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uses reportage illustration to capture the atmosphere, attitudes, and opinions during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The result? a unique record of 366 images, now to become a book after a successful campaign! 👏

Find out more:

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Chrono cross (1999), Square

Ça serait sympa un portage, histoire que j'ai pas à le faire en émulation. 😭

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Le 22 mars 2012 sortait chez nous Kid Icarus : Uprising sur 3DS🎮

Le titre a été développé par le studio de Masahiro Sakurai, Sora Ltd., à qui l'on doit bien sûr Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 💎

On ne dirait pas non à un portage Switch pour le coup !

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TBT 2016 my article “Inside Space Center Houston”. It’s about my reportage of Space Center Houston and the history of astronaut training, scientific research and mission operations there and inspiration for my https://t.co/J4NXNGi7Vl

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Detail and shots from my recent column about Fritz Hedges Waterway Park in Portage Bay. See the full post at https://t.co/JfZfe7lvck

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Hi, I have a fantasy themed animated series about 3 characters trying to comeplete a quest to become certified as heroes, but end up getting a bit sidetracked. All 3 portages are lgbt and 2 of them are poc


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Inspiré par cet homme de 91 ans, québécois et fier de ses racines vikings, danoises. Fier de le dessiner d’après un reportage de Melyssa Gagnon et des superbes photos de

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Manhattan Portage ART AWARD 2021

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