Heyyo! Long time no see!!!
Baru kelar USK, damn sakit pinggang 🥲🔥

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uskさん() ...どうですかね...😌🦑

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My ancestors lived between the mountain and sea, in the remote townland of Roads (formerly Rhodes and before that, Na Róda). This place is quiet and hidden from the nearby Ring of Kerry. Here, the sky is always changing and the rain blows sideways.

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A street stall selling joss sticks and papers on The store owner had come over to examine our progress and closed at 4pm sharp, leaving me helplessly with the not-yet-finished sketch 😭

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Pine trees in a local park. 🌲 🦆 🦆

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I went with USk Cambridge a few weeks ago but sadly we were told we only had one hour and I only managed this sketch. Can’t wait to go back when it’s not so busy. There’s so much to take in!

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Hoy es nuestro Martes de Inspiración más andaluz y queremos celebrarlo con las hermosuras de , una de nuestras superclases patrias 💚🤍💚

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In 1901, James O’Connor O’Brien and his family lived here on Ballyhooley Road in Cork City. His late brother Michael’s family lived right down the street. They were the ones who stayed in Ireland when seven siblings had left, one by one, for Boston.

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Quick bust design for Usk the wyvern that's now my mount in D&D
I loves her

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