Neko szalejesz, ostatnie prace na starym tablecie nawet w kolorze 🤣

0 12

l e r d e z i n h a s 🐌
no desenho, um caracol com cara de envergonhado, dizendo "perdoa minha lerdeza e não desiste de mim".
Não deixe de me seguir: ♥️

1 3

Here we demonstrate four possible approaches to the pineal region, including interhemispheric, transcallosal, occipital transtentorial, and transventricular. The lateral supracerebellar is most effective and safe, sparing the midline cerebellar veins.

16 69

Sempre é un pracer anunciar que temos unha nova entidade socia!
Hai ben pouco sumouse á nosa rede , un dos referentes das no noso país.
Nestes días están precisamente coa campaña para dar a coñecer o seu traballo:

4 10

Goodnight dear friend! Sweet dreams and a praceful rest! 🐿️😍🤗😊🍀💕

2 3

I founded this party and if I have to burn it down to save it then I will burn it down! 😋

0 2

Zaczęłam tworzyć bardziej doodle i sketche niż takie dopracowane prace. Co trzyma mnie do teraz tbh

1 5

Are you kidding? would have to be sent to jail before b4 Skippy would even consider repaying any of the perks he expects as part of the he used to denounce as a Reform MP! 😋

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Temos o pracer de anunciar un evento histórico para a Bd galega... O fallo do xurado do 1 Premio Garaxe Hermético - Xerais de Banda Deseñada 2019.

Abro fío.

19 55

LULAS VEGANAS, um dos muitos perigos da viagem interdimensional.

no desenho, Bob, a abóbora, sendo atacado por um monstro lula após viajar pra outra dimensão.

0 6

Este es el concept art de la moto de la nueva motocoaster dueling que verá la luz en 2020 en

1 4

“ You turn the sun into something I hate,
You prace my conscience that I never had.
You count the books that bear inner strife,
Sleeping with someone who sleeps with a knife “

Commissions open!

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"Supracerebellar Approach: Expanding the Operative Corridor" with Dr. Aaron Cohen-Gadol

10 27

Since we got Sirfetch'd as an evolution exclusive for Sword

What about a dunsprace evolution exclusive to Shield ?

2 3

É un pracer e unha honra formar parte do libro e da mostra de "O puño e a letra", presente no e estar rodeado de autorazos de primeirísimo nivel. Adxunto a páxina completa e fragmentos da mesma.

4 11

At last, Raab has fallen! Apparently, the other candidates tricked him into saying his own name out loud, he reverted to his human form, and Rory Stewart crushed his head with his bare hands.

6 15


7.440sec is a WorldRecord!!😱

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