Howdy Hi! Ralphbutt here! Hope you all are doing well and safe...and staying sane.

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Saw a video of a nervously tip toeing around a Then I thought of the "Quiet Please" epidode from Tom and Jerry, but with roles switched around. So I it.

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Congrats on the follower milestone! Maybe I'll get up there some day. Anyways, I am Ralphbutt. I do different forms of art (derps and animals are my favs). Realistic humans and mechanics are my kryptonite, but I try.

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. A peice I made back in 2018. This is the lady in the future when we get closer and closer to her face.

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I don't have many final peices in pink, but here ya go anyway. I R Ralphbutt. I dabble in doodles and stuff. (Derps and animals are my favorites). Wishing you all the the best. Be safe, and be healthy.

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Thanks for the share. Howdy ho. I'm Ralphbutt. I do many a doodle, and many types a art. I am open to commissions, and suggestions.

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Dawrighty. I am Ralphbutt. I love making all kinds of art. (Favs are derps and animals). At the moment, I'm making art for an arcade cover, with people's videogame theme and a fav food. So thats speical to me. has such a simple but adorable design for all their art

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From start to finish.A doodle inspired bya friend's love of: Chandelure, Phyduck, and Chedder Cheese&Sour Cream Chips. 

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Green huh. Ok. I R Ralphbutt. Realized I don't have much in the color of primarily green.

My memory with green, would be hiking after a rain fall.

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Howdy ho. Ralphbutt here. I dabble in doodles. Derps and animals are my favs. I take comissions as well. I wanna give a shoutout to

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! A request from a friend. Figured it'd be fun to see the progress.Their kid is a fan of Litten from and Thought it would be fun to keep up the car theme. Plus, NEW SCANNER!

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Looking forward to these color threads. Howdy! I'm Ralphbutt. I doodle many of things. When i think of people, i think of the night sky, galaxy, space and junk like that. Enjoy :)

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Hello. I am ralphbutt. I like to do doodles in many forms. (Derps and animals are my favorites)

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Ralphbutt here. These are some extremely quick doodles I've done. What fires me up? In a good way? Certian songs/music, the love if my life, and commissions. In a bad way? Inconsiderate idiots who think the universe revolves around their big fat heads filled with dumb.

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Weelll, I am Ralphbutt. At the moment, I've been getting doodles ready to be drawn on a cover of a game arcade my husband and I are building. People can throw ideas at me to doodle. One was Pikachu, Oreos, & cars. And Hamtaro playing a DS. Still works in progress.

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I'm Ralphbutt, and love to doodle. Commissions open. In art, I want to improve body flow and movements. In life, improve my confidence.

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