Free Champion Rotation, Week of August 11th: Amumu, Anivia, Bard, Caitlyn, Cho'Gath, Ezreal, Irelia, Ivern, Mordekaiser, Quinn, Rammus, Sett, Soraka, Vladimir, and Xerath

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Commission I did for a friend!
Rammus from League of Legends

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My mom asked who Rammus was after overhearing me talking about him to my brother

Me: Shows picture

Mom: Oh it’s like a bird with platypus feet

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Free Champion Rotation, Week of May 26th: Ahri, Aurelion Sol, Bard, Braum, Corki, Elise, Irelia, Jinx, Malzahar, Olaf, Ornn, Rammus, Vayne, Xerath, and Zac

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Rammus > Taric > Singed > Soraka

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Je viens de faire 0/12 en normal game avec Rammus et apparemment notre adversaire a été charmé par ce Rammus d'exception😌

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Our favorite Rammus, Super .... Hedgehog? Turtle? Armordillo? It is difficult to find, easy to lose, and definitely certain - impossible to forget.

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The shitpost spirit is within me tonight

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Again, late posting: it was only after moving into the U.K. that I started consuming haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), apparently getting some extra tryptophan on my diet

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i would ship reksai either with cho or with rammus (based on this comic from years ago)

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4人(?)目。League of Legend、通称LoL より Rammus(ラムス)。※知らない子

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