ren 5. erronka: Asisko, Marko eta Jokinen

Diotenez... Zaraitzuko ibarretan barna ikusi omen dute Gartxot 2022ko Korrikarako prestatzen... 😉

1 11

erronka berria: Asisko, Marko eta Jokinen GARTXOT 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

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hemen dago .k proposatutako erronkaren 4.pertsonaia. J.Luis Landak egindakoa, edozein euskal-komikizaleen apaletan dudik gabe, egon/eduki beharrekoa.

2 12

Unsure if I've ever shared this with you all but! This was drawn by my lovely daughter. Nothing is more powerful than Scree IV. Based off an old glam I used to wear and my love for our lord and savior the great serpent of Ronka!

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Euskal komikigintzako pertsonaia mitikoak nork bere estiloan marrazteko 4. erronka: Juan Luis Landa eta Joxean Muñoz-en IRATI! Jarri arkatzak dantzan! 🤘🤘🤘

22 42

Hugo Prattek bezala marraztu nahi nuen, eta Manu Larceneten moduko gidoiak idatzi. Baina...
... enfin, dena ezin da eduki bizitza honetan.
Gozatzen ari naiz erronkarekin.

4 12

Aste honetan k botatako erronkari jarraituz... Zaldieroaren Euskal Taliban Jatorra...

3 13

I’ve got a fee favorites (cuz I can’t choose)

Because Rockhoppers are my favorite penguins and I watched Lolo the penguin once-

He’s a funky dude

He’s fuckin adorable, why not?

Gave her a lot of development, and I like her design

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Ronka the maildragon

She spends most of her time in the air, while on her days off, spends time on the ground.

The extra skin on her arms allow her to glide long distances. In cold weather, it can also be used as a very warm blanket.

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La tronka de Navidad espera que le pongan muchos regalos a los pies en cada casa, pero si os pasáis las normas de sanidad por el forro, ramazo en la cara!

3 9

Spent all evening drawing the siblings of scree! (behelmeted serpent of ronka) at the

3 19

-Porfin nuevo dibujo!!
⭐SrAuronPlay modo tiktoker✨
-Okno solo tiene calor u.u

🚫Aclaro que es el pixel, pa que no me funeis pls🚫

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