Very cool-looking bunny!! Last one for today, once again a lot of cool people! 😊

12 25

next up a rabbit bc immm predictable and hello?? stunning

10 20

Thank you for hosting!! Love the housing you did an amazing job! 😊☠️

12 31

Last one for today! There were so many beautiful outfits I might continue some tomorrow because I didn't have time to draw them all aaa 😭🧡

11 48


I attended my first ever FFXIV art party and tried my hand at sketching some of the guests! It was new and scary and I'm very shy putting these up but... hewwo TwT;;
I must thank my unwitting subjects somehow.

8 16

Someone who disapears too quick xD But she was really pretty ♥

7 24

I'm back in art party! 😊🧡 Dunno how many I'll be able to draw but here is the first one!

10 41

I'm not very proud but this person was Cosplaying Cure Chocolat from Kira Kira Precure à La mode and I love this particular Precure ! She's super cool and a dog !! DEKIAGARI !
(Btw I'm Maryerye Marye for the night !)

3 16

I managed to finish one whole drawing

4 15

In the end I managed to have some time to attend
Anya was a good girl at school and has a gun.

Waku waku ~

2 12

Attended my first FFXIV art party tonight!
Here's the first round of lovely people that I saw there 💖

10 34

Ok ok i misscliked before here the drawing !! Last on for tonight!

4 16