samnee's steve is so cute 🥺❤️❤️❤️

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Look, it's obvious that Kirkman and Samnee WANT to do an Iron Fist comic, so why not let them? Otherwise, I wanna see do some more martial arts stuff with and given their work on Dan Bi, I wanna see them take on a Pei storyline.

0 3

Cannot say enough on how great the first issue Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters was by , Laura Samnee, and . It’s heart is only matched by it’s gorgeous art. Coming soon from

15 67

Kris Anka
Chris Samnee
Russell Dauterman
Kevin Wada

Anka's art especially drew me into comics.

0 6

Es gibt mal wieder neuen Lesestoff von Robert Kirkman (#TheWalkingDead, diesmal mit Artwork von Chris Samnee (#Daredevil, Der erste Band von FIRE POWER erscheint Ende Januar. Hier die ersten Seiten als Leseprobe ...

0 14

Share some of your favorite comic art from 2020! Chris Samnee and Matt Wilson's work on Fire Power has just been killer

7 50

16) Fire Power
Le trait élégant de Chris Samnee + l'écriture rafraîchissante de Robert Kirkman = Un super comic feel good d'arts martiaux
On a en comic la comédie d'action familiale qui manquait au cinéma hollywoodien de ces dernières années.

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Schiti, Vicentini, Cheung, Ross, Epting, Acuña, Samnee, Guice, & Larraz working on this!
👁️👄👁️ a win for me!!!

0 9

Mr Samnee's work is irresistible as always. He kills it every time. i can't help myself.

0 8

Samnee's Toro is such a precious little baby 😭🥺🤧

0 7

samnee icons are the best! :')

his buckys are overall so good 😭 his buckynat pieces were always so wholesome too 🥺

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samnees 616 bucky prettiest bucky 😭💞

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Describe your art style and/or art influences using up to 4 pictures.

A moving target, but most days I look to these guys for guidance. Bruce Timm, Darwyn Cooke, Chris Samnee, Mike Wieringo

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Tu aimes les comics ? Tu t'intéresses à la manière dont on écrit un BD ? En ce moment, les abonnés de ma mailing list participent au tirage au sort pour gagner le tome 1 du de Robert Kirkman et Chris Samnee. Inscris-toi !

4 12

Bajo los focos DC

Artista de hoy: Chris Samnee ()

4 33

I'm here to spread the samnee buckynat agenda

Just look at how powerful they are 😳🥵❤️🖤

7 20

How about another??? Lines by Chris Samnee! Colors by meeee!

4 19