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In Norse mythology, Freyja is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war and death. She owned the magical necklace Brisingamen & a cloak of falcon feathers that gave its wearers the gift of flight. She is accompanied by the golden boar Hildisvini & rides in...
通販 at BOOTH
・ #メルメリィオンラインマーケット 会場(6/5・6の2日間のみ):
■6/26・27 #クリマ(愛知)
■5/29・30 #デザフェス(欠席)
Here are the raffle prizes, winners!
oisingaming06 on DeviantArt
Thank you everyone for participating! If you didn't get yours, well, there's always next time!
As far as I know, we only have the ones for Brisingamen Gear Kanade and Nehushtan Gear Chris. Give us the rest, please, I am begging
■5/16 #関西コミティア(大阪・O-13)
■5/29・30 #デザフェス(東京・C-38)
■6/26・27 #クリマ(愛知)
■ #てづバ神戸 (5/3・4 → 7/31・8/1)
Preparando el #podcast de @LucesHorizonte con @LuisHorizonte y @javier_iborra sobre #PersiguiendoAAmy #ChasingAmy... no os lo váis creer... Han aparecido Jay y Bob el silencioso a comentarme unas cosillas muy #SnuchiBuchi y se han quedado a merendar!
#ilustracion #Ilustrador
Freyja, Protector of Women, riding into battle on her boar Hildisvíni, accompanied by her cats Bygul and Trjegul, and wearing her magical falcon-feather cloak and the necklace Brisingamen.
#saraheverard #shewaswalkinghome #1in4women #illustration #digitalart #womenwhodraw
■3/20・21 #てづバ(大阪/く-04)
■3/28 #春コミ大阪(5号館 た24ab)
■4/11 #名古屋コミティア(C-15)
■5/3・4 #てづバ神戸
@MOTUdrawing @ThatKevinSmith @Mark_Lapping @antoluke616 @NicoMartelle First off, Joey Lauren Adams is so great! Why wasn’t she in more? (Or was she?) She really had a great personal 90’s trilogy with Dazed & Confused (1993), Empire Records (1995), and Chasing Amy (1997). Amazing performance in Chasing Amy. @JoeyLaurenAdams #chasingamy
Durai singam🦁 @Suriya_offl pencil drawing.
Watch and share : https://t.co/Ssdb3A2NTy
@AKSFWA1 @KannurSfc_Offl @KSF_Offl @rajsekarpandian @SuriyaFansClub @asfk_offl @SuryaFansRage @rameshlaus @SuriyaTeamKL @PenMovies @ErosNowSouth
■2/21 #コミティア
■3/20・21 #てづバ
■4/11 #名古屋コミティア