Why is this H.R. Geiger artwork the same as a 1300 BC Hieroglyph?

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[🎨#NeuaPraram Diary:] Why my friends are so good at making me feel even worse? 😧

That heavy sigh when you know you messed up. Don't worry P Neua. 😭

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After listening to the latest episode of , I wondered how I would bring Sislo to life in a film adaption.

He would be mostly practical, with the lizardman being a suit-actor. His face would be enhanced with CG to make him more expressive, with the tail added in post

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In Flowers, Tetheril was a squishy little lady. However, she had the leg strength to leap through trees!

By book 2, her training with Sislo will pay off.

After all, you cant run a hospital without any patients!

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[🎨#NeuaPraram Diary:] I always seem to smile whenever your around. 💛

-- That orange juice. That first conversation. That shy smile. ♡ --

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[🎨#NeuaPraram Diary:] Neua's ♡ for Praram

"Praram's smile is like a cupid's arrow that pierced my heart." -Neua

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Sislo and Tetheril are going to go on vacation for some R&R.

I want to reserve the energy I put into them for the graphic novel adaption of Flowers of Etrea and its sequels.

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Seeing Jenna Marbles step down is disheartening.

Her and Julian were my light all through college, and I respect her choice. It won't stop me from appreciating her and enjoying the content thats remained up.

I'm going to miss her 💛

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Thank you to for this wonderful rendition of my book protagonists, Sislo and Tetheril!

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World of Etrea:

"Sislo is a nice guy, a little rough around the edges at times. He'll eat you out of house and home, ha ha. He scared us all at first, being what he is, but we got use to him. Though, there are times we worry for his wife's safety. There are some nights where 1/2

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