You gotta love this face!..... 'All at Sea(l)' by artist from Chester, UK! Created with coloured pencil. 🦭

Our thanks to you for your fantastic contribution to supporting this year.

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Oil painting called 'Sunset Seagull' by artist Burton Hanna , USA.

Our thanks to you for your fantastic contribution to supporting this year.

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Can't beat a beautiful flower to lift the spirits.... 'Pink Roses' by artist Mary Cruz from New Jersey, USA.

Thank you so much for donating your art to and helping support patients with Leukaemia!

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We love these little guys! 'Birds of a Feather' by artist Alison Innes in Canada.

Thank you Alison for donating your postcard art to and helping support patients with Leukaemia, Alison.

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More bright colour!! ..... 'Birds & Butterflies' by Mozelle Martin from Phoenix, USA!

Wonderful postcard! Thank you Mozelle for your daontiosn to and for supporting in the UK!

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'Pie-fect' (from Little Mari Adventure Series) Mari Tsang from New York, USA.

Great contribution to the art fundraiser! Thank you Mari!

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Watercolour of a topical subject.... 'How to Save A Life' by artist Sally Hewlett-Taylor (UK).

Our thanks Sally for your daontiosn to the charity fundraiser for patients.

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Beautiful mini oil painting called 'Gentle Waves' by US artist Jackie Jones in Connecticut.

Our thanks Jackie for your lovely donation in support of this year! Stunning!

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Another beautiful watercolour called 'Humming Along' by Sue Davison !

Thank you so much Sue for this cheerful and colourful painting for supporting !

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'Lost in Thoughts' by from Gurugram, India.

Thank you very much Neeta for the lovely image you have painted for the charity art sale for ! Very beautiful.

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We can all do with a .... 'Glimmer of Hope'.

Thank you very much Kerry Zacharia for this wonderful ink postcard donation for !

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This card has been sent to us from Spain ... 'Cheltenham from the Gloucester Cathedral' by artist Angeles M. Pomata in Níjar.

Love the fields! Thank you for this donation to and for supporting this year!

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Tryin’ to stay paws-itive 🐾!
A Peeping Tom ~
On his way to
Hopefully he gets there on time🙀


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My donation to this brilliant cause - Leukaemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Fund is ‘winging’ its way to

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Hope we have this the right way round? They are indeed... 'Simple Pleasures'!

This postcard was created by Sana Shaikh in Mumbai, India. Thank you for sending your art to help !

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No title with this piece from in Sydney, Australia. What title would you all give it?

Thank you Michelle for sending this great image to the UK for the art sale for .

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This beautiful ink and watercolour card has arrived from Hong Kong - 'The Sokos' by Salome Tam .

Thank you for donating this fab piece for our charity fundraiser for in May!

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My postcard for to benefit The Leukemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Fund held in Cheltenham, UK this May.

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Say hullo to 'Constance'!

Thank you (UK) for sending her to us for and for supporting !

We are in love with Contance. 😄

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