Commission for FatalSe7en

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That's because there is a very large animation bug that causes Metalseadramon to have two completely different sizes between episode 40 and 41. In episode 40, MetalSeadramon is quite small, comparable to Metalgreymon. This size is the one that appears in the official linearts.

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If we don't believe in free expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.
- NoamChomsky

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Watch out Mr. Zip! has his axe set on you so you better run like your life depends on it because—spoiler alert—IT DOES!

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Here's my new cartoon with the - the is so bad!

Come see my favorite cartoons by all the CagleCartoonists on my blog at:

... and see my rough sketch there too.

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The USPS is very important and is in a lot of trouble! Text USPS to 50409 to sign the petition!

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...a clear shot of Impmon, and all of the Full Art Digimon cards!

Of note, I only got to finish Gallantmon, MetalSeadramon and UlforceVeedramon today. The others will come as part of batch updates with other reveals.

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