"I think with all experts, take from it what you will. Learn but don’t base everything on what the experts say. Think. We are all unique... embrace and encourage that!" https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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Lauren Alex Hooper is an autistic singer, songwriter and musician living in the UK. What's a day in her life like? https://t.co/9gBN16ejFZ

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"The main thing I hope people take away is that autism and disability are a valid part of the human existence. Acceptance, understanding, respect, and dignity are what we all need and deserve." https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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[4 주년] 오늘 6 월 7 일
"오딘이라는 남자 - 북유럽 신화 -"출시일입니다!
애호 감사합니다!


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[4週年] 6月7日,今天
發行日期:《諸神之王奧丁 - 北歐神話 -》!
謝謝你的愛 !!


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[4周年] 6月7日,今天
发行日期:《诸神之王奥丁 - 北欧神话 -》!
谢谢你的爱 !!


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[4th Anniversary] Today, June 7th
The release date of "The Life of Odin - Norse myths -" !!
Thank you for your love !!


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「オーディンという男 - 北欧神話 -」のリリース日です!!


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"I often remind young adults on the spectrum that there is always at least one thing that they can do that the people around them can’t do." https://t.co/QuwPqRM0qx

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"Probably the most important advice I’d give is to reach out; don’t go it alone—it’s hard!! Reach out, find other people, be they online or in person." https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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"All I wanted to do was fit in—I always knew I was different but didn’t understand why, and it upset me when others picked up on it and correspondingly picked on me." https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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"I love learning, but hated school, because of the bullying I received. Compounding that, I was not taught in a way that I understood, so I was bad at school." https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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"My autistic ability to throw myself into my interests and hyper focus on things that interest me has helped me immensely!" https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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A Day in the Life of Abby Brooke, Autism Advocate, Long-Distance Walker | Geek Club Books Written by illustration by https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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"Every child has certain things they excel at; look for these and encourage them in them, rather than putting pressure on them to do what they may find difficult." https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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Abby Brooke's long walking voyages have raised the visibility of her work, helping her share her passion for autism advocacy with countless communities, families, and individuals in Africa. https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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Abby Brooke is an autistic woman living in Kenya who walks long distances, often hundreds or thousands of kilometers, to raise awareness and acceptance of autism. What's a day in her life like? https://t.co/qHA0GckyOU

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