...so I jumped from this into Evoluia.

Evoluia is a not so cartoony world. Its darker, it follows dark themes and its more 'aesthetic'.

Its more 'anime'. It follows proportions more realistically, I had to tone down the 'ugliness'.
example of a livida character in Evoluia

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So do most men. Even those who prefer men.

Pic on the R is from a Dejah Thoris Kickstarter that didn’t fund. I’m sure this will come as shocking news.

Nobody really likes ugliness. If their soul is ugly, they just can’t help but promulgate it.

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There’s so much ugliness in the world right now. Don’t forget that you have it in your power to create something beautiful.

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Io - Electric Moon 🔸▪️🔸▪️
“I was the most revolting person I knew when I saw the mark on my ear. That disgusting formation. That symbol of my inner ugliness which had manifested as a part of my physical appearance.”

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...daughter, not a son, makes the drama feel lived in rather than artificial as it had earlier in the book.

Jean is quick to condemn Scott for leaving his wife and son; she wouldn't have expected Scott to wait around "just in case" she didn't actually die but the ugliness she...

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Im proud of myself the ugliness is gone...
Old (EW) new(yes)

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🌐🌹✨Ancient fable, a dream come true, beauty and ugliness will find together something more than just friendship✨🌹🌐

the Killer a the Beast? ✨🌐🌹✨

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Happy publication day to the paperback of Burn by New York Times bestselling author . This all-consuming, heart-stopping story follows a teenage girl as she tangles with revenge, redemption, and dragons—all in an effort to combat the ugliness of her small town.

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Even having suffered the ugliness of PERSECUTION our artists still create BEAUTY
Thank you for sharing this drawing Resq 🙏🏻

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My husband is like…. “I’m so ugly!! I’m disgusting.” 😒 Boy. Do you OWN. A. MIRROR. Anyways here’s my husband in all his “ugliness”🤣.
In all reality my husband is very very gorgeous and cute and it’s so frustrating how he doesn’t see because it’s SO OBVIOUS!🥺

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it's universally accepted to shit on shoto's first costume.....and i get it. it's tacky af, but i ✨ LOVE ✨ the symbolism. it's a vital part of todoroki's character growth and for that i can appreciate its ugliness....but thank god he upgraded.

i couldn't take 5 seasons of this https://t.co/NCP6XC0Cqw

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What part of yourself did you have to destroy in order to survive in the world this year? But most importantly: what have you found to be unkillable?
— Arabelle Sicardi, from “The Year in Ugliness”

artwork by https://t.co/wcp2BThup4

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"No-don't look at me!"
Sneak peak of lore unlocked:

This is the curse of the ancient race.
The pitiful monster tried so hard to hide the ugliness yet it seeps out of her so easily just like breathing. This is her punishment.

skeb by skei00

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Otherworld and Ugliness - today we're talking about the value given to traditionally aesthetically-pleasing (ie. human) appearances among the mutants, and perhaps a budding Krakoan class system
X-Lapsed, Episode 198 - New Mutants (vol.4)

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"Excuse me ma'am, I hope our horrible ugliness won't be a distraction to you"
Luto: "Not at all boy! -sniff sniff-"

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リアクション・ブックスから2018年に刊行されたグレッチェン・ヘンダーソン『Ugliness: A Cultural History』をさきほど注文。ざっと見ただけでトルコ語・スペイン語・中国語・韓国語に翻訳されていて、世評は高そう。高額なエーコ『醜の歴史』に対し、こちらはペーパーバックで千円台と格安。

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just look at him... youll have to excuse the ugliness beyblade is just like that. i dont even have the its an old anime excuse they just refuse to stop drawing like this

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Basília and Gilda, from 's "A Study in Ugliness"

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So much of our world is ugly. But ugliness and beauty are such subjective terms.https://t.co/l1m2kfRGzb

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" As once did this very realm, from the darkest depths of unseemly ugliness shall you rise anew. Prepare yourself!" Jandelaine

That's definitely how Bell's feeling lately! 🙈 Next victim will be Alisaie!💖

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