I've been having a lot of fun with my first drawing tablet.😊#kusAraka

2 18

Heavily inspired by ,I draw with a mouse but Smol .....Yaranaika?#kusAraka

2 50

Lord forgive me for i have sinned. my only regret is my lack of art skills.

3 32

Here we go, no more needing to falsely advertise those boin boins, I have given you the laser beam too.

2 38

Final result 5 retweets and 35 likes 170 cm.

Not two meters like one person was hoping but it's still 25 cm longer than she's tall.

0 4

"Excuse me ma'am, I hope our horrible ugliness won't be a distraction to you"
Luto: "Not at all boy! -sniff sniff-"

1 22

My pic of I might add a more complex background.

1 17

Forgive us Milady we wont do it again

0 2

Peak Content Innit? Hello from between her thighs it is

0 2

That moment when u are making a Luto Meme and you try crossing the eyes... and u tried the other other direction....... O_O

Headache go away!! Luto Sama GWS!!

3 30