Discover the ‘saztaculous’ world of Matlock the Hare this holiday season!, A ‘majickal’ & read!

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Read how "Paranormality is the New Reality"
Everything incredibly true was once and anyday now, science will claim they already knew all about it...

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Feel like thinking hard? Then this little question, "Is God Consciousness?" might get the old ball rollin'...

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The Medicinal Magic of Psychogenic Substances
the therapeutic history (and benefits) of entheogenics like and

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Remember, "If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."
You can always read and learn from wherever you are at

Happy Sunday Reading!

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Wishing you a most 'saztaculous' weekend, good folk! If you feel like escaping to a world of 'tzorkly' witches and majickal hares, follow this link, and you'll be there in a 'blinksnapp!'#weekendreads

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Where in the world are you reading from?


Check out our books…

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Let the adventure continue! If you enjoyed Travel Glasses and its sequels, read about the next generation of travel talents in Darker Stars. 💙⏳💧

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Happy weekend! Hope the sun is shining where you are. If you fancy a our blog is packed with fascinating stories. The history of transcription will take you on a journey through time.

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Read. Read. Read. Just don't read one type of book. Read different books by various authors so that you develop different styles. R. L. Stine

Check out

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Nothing better than a chilled Sunday reading… Have an awesome day!

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What book will you be devouring this weekend?

I'm reading Lord of Shadows, book 2 of the Dark Artifices series by Hoping to finish so I can gear up for the release of Queen of Air and Darkness later this year!

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Read how "Paranormality is the New Reality" Everything incredible was once and you know, science will claim they already knew all about it

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The Medicinal Magic of Psychogenic Substances … the therapeutic history (and benefits) of entheogenics like and

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