263 - Zigzagoon
Type: Normal

Abilities: Pickup, Gluttony, Quick-feet

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Pokemon Comms 2/5: Double Zigzagoons 🤎🖤

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Happy late pride month!! 😅I never know how to really celebrate it but ey i made a rainbow zigzagoon 👀

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Zigzagoon for Jesse.

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All Pokémon sit.

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Haru's would definitely be yamper. She likes corgis. And makar's would absolutely be zigzagoon. Just a good lad to run around with. And it matches his level of derp

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manifesting a shiny galarian zigzagoon with this one

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i had some time. forced my oc (technically not *my* oc i share him but whatever it’s fine) bernard to become part zigzagoon :]

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I made some of Zigzagoon's sprites from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, look like it's Galarian form.

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heres the thing
the closest i can think is also zigzagoon for you. A little scrugnly little guy who is a good friend

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yeeeaaaahh i love Grovyle so much.....
for you i think Galarian Zigzagoon fits. lil rascally fella

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7. Lycanroc (Midnight)

Like Juniper having Minccino at the start, Kukui starts with a Rockruff, later having seemingly evolved it into a midday Lycanroc.
Midday and Dusk forms would likely have been repeat colors with Charmander and Zigzagoon, so I instead went with Midnight.

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3. Zigzagoon (Sugimori art)

In the intro of Pokemon Emerald, Professor Birch is being chased around by a wild Zigzagoon. Between it and RS's Poochyena, I thought it was the more appropriate reference for Minccino.
The official art uses lighter shades, thus easier to work with.

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Thanks again @/ThestaticL for another art of Leah breeding a lucky Zigzagoon on their birthday @/louipal

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Y'all know how they kind of look like Zigzagoon and Linoone? Well, I made a Galar version of these two obviously inspired by Galar Zigzagoon and Linoone. I might make a 3rd evolution inspired by Obstagoon
Also idk if anyone has done this before-

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263 - Zigzagoon
Type: Normal

Abilities: Pickup, Gluttony, Quick-feet

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I'll probably turn this into a ref eventually but a better version of the zigzagoon/ampharos character I made (still haven't named them yet)

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Redid my lil poke-sona I made years ago. I'm a zigzagoon!

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