Avian or bird aliens are fairly common thoughout the universe. Our birds of paradise are a direct decendant of some of those races.

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Anon Sa Ra from Altair is an administrator at the Galactic Federation on Sirius B and a close confidant of commander Ashtar.

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The Anunnaki Ishtar or Inanna (sumerian name) was taken to the underworld and had to be rescued by her father Enki according to Sumerian legend.

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Edgar Casey prophesized that the Atlanteans had used crystal energy in worldly as well as for spiritual purposes. True free energy!

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The villains of the SKY GODZ universe, the evil Orion Empire is group of races from the Orion constellation like Rigel, Bellatrix and Betelgeuse. A nasty bunch...


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The Zeta Greys are one of the most "popular" and reconizable races in the universe and appear in SKY GODZ.


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The Anunnaki fighters were mostly used to patrol the local areas around the bases. All other interstellar travel is done via stargates.


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Exactly 1 year ago I had the initial idea for the SKY GODZ concept, an animated series about the extraterrestial involvement on planet earth.

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Lightbeings are common throughout the universe but the Lyrans are some of the most evolved and of the higest density.


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Amon Ra was an Anunnaki renegade from Nibiru who came to earth in the period of ancient Egypt and was in conflict with Marduk and Nergal.

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Season 1 of the SKY GODZ streaming anime series will feature the story of the siblings Enki, Enlil and Nin.

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The Anunnaki Ishtar or Inanna (Enki's daughter) is at odds with Nergal (Enlil's son). The battles of the past continue...

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Enlil was chosen by Samana behind his brother Enki's back to help with the genetic creation of modern humans in SKY GODZ Season 1...

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Astor is a commanding officer at the Galactic Federation headquarter in Sirius B and also a member of the Solar Cross.

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The Zeta Greys were mostly used as slaves by the Dracos. Tau was lucky enough to escape and became a scout for the Anunnaki. Find out more about it in SKY GODZ Season 1...

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The lightbeings from the Vega system in the constellation of Lyra are the original creators who were on earth billions of years ago.

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Tau is a Zeta Grey who escaped the clutches of the Dracos and was captured by the Anunnaki. More about it in SKY GODZ Season 1...

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Beings from the Cygnus constellation are highly telepathic and ethereal. Their density level is so far beyond that they rarely interact with humans.

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