Shatter: *sits in a pan with olive oil and caramelizes*

5 16

I tried to use more pastel colors with my oc Elize!! i like it 🥺💕

46 241

Arrumei uns detalhes na cartinha de tarot com pokemon.....voces ficariam felizes se caisse ela no seu jogo?

15 89

Once fermented, caramelized, and poured into a cup of mint tea, it makes "Bone Apple Tea"

2 3

Just relized I dun goofed and had night filter on. This is more akin to what I saw the picture constantly as.

1 3

Relize I didnt show off these pieces I’ve finished of my new character

0 1

Novelize( )はアクセサリーイメージだけど、先日ようやくアパレルに手を出してとても好きになったという話。を、絵にしてみました。

1 2

Roman Belize
ig : romanbelize

38 161

Tanto tempo sem postar nada, mas aqui estou eu :b

Ja ta meio tarde mas ainda é natal então TA VALENDO

(🔁+❤= uvas passas e refris de uvas felizes)


9 27

🇧🇷Espero que conquistem muitas coisas ano que vem e que passem o resto de suas vidas felizes com nosso belo mundo que pode até haver tristeza sofrimento e etc mas quando há um pingo de esperança vale a pena viver nele!

1 3

do Frango Fino Especial de Natal! Participe tbm!!!

2 9

Felizes festas pra todas da família Lima Motta 🥰🐕🐱👩🏼‍🦱🧔🏻

2 2

bloated farmhand makes it into the ripening shed for the larger some of he larger stronger berries are prepped for ripening by being pumped with stabelizer juice to subside swelling some and prep them for storage.farmhand seams to be figureing out somethi

1 15

Presentinho de recém namoro de vcs, gente sério até mostrei o vídeo pra minha moms KKKKK espero que sejam mtt mtt mtt felizes ❤💙 (botei de natal tbm, boas festas)

4 15

Eae seus lindões, CHEGOU O GRANDE DIA. 100 FOLLOWS E UM SONHO!!! Só seguir as instruções e serem felizes :3
Ps: se houverem numeros repetidos, o que comentou primeiro vai ser considerado. E apenas o primeiro numero unico dessa pessoa sera considerada <3
Basorte seus lindoes <3

22 36

usman84kg stylebender joerogan my brother sent me the story today. Happy to see you rock that racist bastard colbycovmma wack ass Fuck all donaldtrump supports! It’s all about them 🇳🇬 🇸🇻 🇲🇽 🇧🇿

3 0

I relized the post somehow got messed up, so here it is again ;3

0 24

Elize is Yuan childhood friend. They are pretty close. She works for the city, and is considered as a great asset which is pretty rare considering that money, is the usual way to have such a job is through money. She really likes to dress up and take care of herself,

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