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Lachlan: What’re ya gonna do? Bite me back? *shakes his butt at Discord* You can’t catch this!

Unikitty: *snickering*

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Because Lachlan is a dingo pup, and dingoes and ponies were once (and maybe still are) mortal enemies in the animal kingdom, he can get scared of the Mane Six when they’re angry, even after they promised him that they would never get angry at him.

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Lachlan: *gets up* Laugh while you can...

Unikitty: *spinning circles around Discord’s head, making him dizzy*

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Lachlan: *wedgies Master Frown* Dogs like me have very good hearing!

Unikitty: *tail whips Discord in the belly* And cats like me have super strong tails!

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Discord: *tries sneaking up on Unikitty*

Master Frown: You think this is funny, mutt?!

Lachlan: Almost as funny as *to Unikitty* Discord trying to sneak up on Unikitty!

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Winona: Lachlan? What’s up?

Lachlan: Unikitty’s feeling really blue, so I thought maybe B-Bark could sing to her to make her feel better.

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If I could choose the voice actors for Lachlan and Bailey if they were in “Unikitty”, I’d choose Colleen O’Shaughnessy (Tails) as Lachlan and Cindy Robinson (Amy) as Bailey.

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Lachlan: I’m a dog. Short term memory there... Mister Frowny Wowny~?

*Master Frown growls while Unikitty holds in her laugh*

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If Lachlan heard Discord on helium, he’d laugh just like this!


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Lachlan: Hahahaha! Speaking of butts, let’s go kick Discord’s and Master Frown’s!

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Lachlan: *suddenly, a scroll appears* Huh? *he reads it for 5 seconds and sighs annoyed* If Mom needs me there, I’ll be there.

*to Rainbow Dash* Hey Rainbow, I’ve gotta go help Mom and Auntie Luna in Griffonstone, think you can babysit Junior for me?

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Unikitty: For a chaotic person like Discord, the sight of his dimension is beautiful!

Lachlan: More beautiful than my butt? *he said as a little joke*

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Lachlan: *jumps directly in front of her, amazed by the sight of Discord’s dimension* Whoa! Check out this awesome sight!

Unikitty: Uhh... is the sight your butt?

Lachlan: Huh? *realises* Oh, heheh, sorry. *moves to the side to let Unikitty see the real sight of the dimension*

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Rainbow Dash: When it’s time little buddy, just howl for us! *wink*

Lachlan: Will do! *grabs Unikitty’s paw* You ready Unikitty?

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Lachlan: *shows Celestia the Chaos Crystals he has*

Celestia: Excellent, my son! Now you can travel into Discord’s dimension!

*this is where the purpose of the Chaos Crystals is revealed*

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Spike: Even with the power from both the stones and crystals, I don’t think it’ll be enough to defeat Discord and Master Frown...

Lachlan: Well, if push comes to shove, Unikitty and I can rely on friends! *winks at Twilight, hinting towards the Elements of Harmony as a Plan B*

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Lachlan: Me and my friends have faced dangerous powerful guys like them, and we also thought we couldn’t beat them, but in the end, the good side always wins!

*the Mane Six, Crusaders, Princesses and Griffons Unikitty had met on her adventure came close to give her confidence*

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Lachlan: Oh wait, he’s literally in tears.

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Lachlan: Here. *he lends his paw to help her up*

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