If you haven't caught up on Tamberlane this week, now is a good time to do so! new pages go up on Wednesdays!! wow! https://t.co/PI6MhwmaiE

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Did you know that $1+ Patrons get to read Tamberlane a week earlier than everyone else!? DId you remember to catch up to page 147? you really should!! https://t.co/OznNWGLIJg

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Hey! Did you forget to read Tamberlane this week? You should go do that! New Pages get posted every Wednesday! https://t.co/JciiAtvRbX

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Did you know that new pages of Tamberlane get posted every Wednesday?! You should catch up to page 145 before the new page gets posted!! https://t.co/qXEkQpOaD3

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$1+ Patrons Don't forget to catch up page 146 of Tamberlane!!! New page goes up on Wednesday! https://t.co/DcQhTRxZxU

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