Thank you to health care providers & anyone helping those in need at this difficult time. You’re true super heroes!✌🏼💙👨🏻‍⚕️👩🏼‍⚕️👩🏿‍⚕️👨🏾‍⚕️🌎

For more info about please visit ’s website at Please stay healthy and home Gothamites!

6 15

To all the doctors
healthcare providers
all over the world
tending to the most vulnerable
under exhausting conditions

Your work
right now
your breath
the healing that comes through you
is more sacred
than any ritual
in any church
any mosque

46 104

Just realized that I’m given 3 weeks wfh and aslo the service provider message sends fhhshshshs

0 1

My survival job (contract proposal writer for healthcare solutions) has slowed down to too-few hours (healthcare providers have more pressing concerns than software, understandably).

But I make comics and watercolor illustrations. Here’s my Patreon.

0 1

Just reposting some old work!

This is Deltra (or Del for short)
He likes booze and is a huge nerd.
A smart engineer.

Those cool eye visors he has?
His eyes are extremely sensitive to light, so he needs those. 😉

4 6

💸 Emergency commissions 💸
My old internet provider scammed me and I'm paying twice atm. I can't do anything against it, except asking for help. That's why I'm opening sketch commissions like these:
✨Chibi half: 15€
✨Bust: 25€

Thank you! [RT💕]

18 23

The divider-in-chief weighs in on the results of Super Tuesday:
In a tweet and during a coronavirus meeting with airline executives, President Trump reveals his re-election strategy of splitting the Democratic voters.

34 50

A coalition of children’s charities and care providers is calling for “dramatically increased” investment in mental health services.
Research has found that 10% of children and young people aged five to 16 has a clinically diagnosable mental health problem

0 0

"Quando si negano le parole
e non danza il verbo
sul polline della terra,
questo è il silenzio.

Allora sono solita chiamarlo
e condividere i suoi muti cenni di trincea.

Sono la convitata di pietra
nel suo taciturno territorio
e lì faccio nidi di parole."

Carmen Yáñez


11 13

«Il segreto di un’unione duratura è non lasciarsi dividere dagli eventi, no?»

8 11

Se vider la tête en 3 étapes : Sur le toît, ost Life Is Strange 2, et on contemple ❤️

0 11

💙 MOTS : 7 versione 1 w/o pc - GIVEWAY! 💙

Scadenza : 09/03 ore 19.00

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Vi verrà poi assegnato un numero, per avere più chance ripetere la stessa procedura anche su Facebook (Taeon Orders)

153 198

My birthday is in April and all I want is google play cards for Kings’s Raid! 💕 oh boy.... the game has me hook line and sinker! it’s making me wanna buy a tablet thru my phone provider so I can have WiFi anytime I want! XD Just lounge at work or anywhere with this game!

0 0

"Collaboration between providers (social workers and public health service providers) and primary care providers may improve pre-exposure prophylaxis (#PrEP) access for populations most vulnerable to infection."

2 3

"Collaboration between psychosocial providers (social workers and public health service providers) and primary care providers may improve pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) access for populations most vulnerable to HIV infection."

2 3

Oh hey, I'm noticing an influx of followers 👀
Just gonna quickly introduce myself.
Hey y'all, I go by Alav and I enjoy doing character art and experimenting sometimes. I tend to work between doing semi-realism and stylized stuff 😚

3 13

Mi premeva condividere questo cortometraggio drammatico e straziante che, seppur rozzamente animato, viene valorizzato da un doppiaggio nitido e scandito che gli è valso infatti numerosi premio a Toronto.

2315 10577