“Lush, ample, plentiful bodies representing the virtues required to find our true selves.”©Elisa Valenti

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“… It took painting images of myself in the form that caused so much mental distress for me to finally love it. With each stroke, with each imperfection I paint, the more beauty I feel… ©Elisa Valenti

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“With each stroke, with each imperfection I paint, the more beauty I feel,” ©Elisa Valenti

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“La positividad del cuerpo significa que soy lo suficientemente buena” ©Elisa Valenti

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“... Tomé imágenes de mí misma pintadas de forma que me causó tanta angustia mental que finalmente me encantó. Con cada trazo, con cada imperfección que pinto, más belleza siento ... © Elisa Valenti

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«…Il m'a fallu peindre des images de moi-même sous la forme qui m'a causé tant de détresse mentale pour finalement l'aimer. A chaque coup, à chaque imperfection que je peins, plus je me sens belle...©ElisaValenti

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"Si jamais vous vous sentez insignifiant, j'espère qu'ils vous inspireront à vous approprier votre image et à ne jamais donner ce pouvoir à quelqu'un d'autre." © Elisa Valennti

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Las varias piezas de los espejos, las telas, el cuchillo, Neocolor, pintura acrílica,
rollos de película Polaroid;...©Hannah Villiger

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Through my works, I hope you make a connection.I believe the viewer’s perspective is critical to art coming alive, that a new meaning is brought to life by the viewer.”©April Mansilla

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Years ago, when it really hit harder than ever before, I believed one day I would just snap out of it. It was really hard to hear my doctor and family say, ‘You were always sick.’ I denied it…©April Mansilla

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“My depression is still a revolving door. I still go to the psychiatrist often, though only as an outpatient now. Sometimes I like to bluff and say that I am doing better, but she sees through that…©April Mansilla

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«Mes souvenirs, succès, échecs et échecs inévitables; Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des inspirations qui me poussent à créer…©April Mansilla

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I will be applying my ‘wilful head’ (self-portrait) ideology to push forward into 2020 along side some mighty and inspirational people 🌈🙏🏻💜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 (may even do more)

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The first edition of The Tale of was published privately on 16th Dec 1901, when had 250 copies printed for her family & friends. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was given a copy for his children. Some below.

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People just can’t help saying good things about The Seas!
With the likes of Ian Miller, legendary fantasy artist
UK greats like
International artists vacuum books, MisterZinester https://t.co/rxFy9gHoPc

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In 1953 Morris Louis visited the studio of Helen Frankenthaler, where he saw Mountains and Sea (1952), the first painting made with her signature “soak-stain” technique.

(Then he became famous/successful for riffing on it)

Thanks, for the shout out to https://t.co/f6PnScdh36

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Art Herstory is privileged to publish a guest post from of : Ten Intriguing Novels About Remarkable https://t.co/8OSth1ljHn.

Read these books yourself, &/or order them for the art-lovers/feminists on your holiday shopping list!

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