Hey, it's Galvantula in Sorry for the boring pose, couldn't think of anything

14 54

Super proud of myself i managed to draw something everyday for this past week in the same style. Been a personal challenge of mine for a bit.😀

1 11

"Okay, I'm going to work, I just need to get over the last episode" for today's

2 34

Still drawing instead of actually doing work, but i just love new avatar to much to miss out on drawing it.

1 16

Since im drawing i have to draw adorable... um i mean SpOoKy avatar😄.

1 17

Because it's a meme that I like and it's day have a cat drinking from cup.

10 31

I did my fav android C3-P0 form Star Wars!

1 8

Myself as a supervillain for day one!

Sorry about not posting in like a month, there will be a lot more coming for you guys! I am still doing pixelart i just am not sharing it on twitter lolo

3 13

1Hour Commission for Graylures on Discord/Twitch 🥰🥰🥰#pixel_art

1 6

Worked more on yesterdays character its turning out well, but cant decide on these four...
Might end up just using all of it. 😆

1 6

I took a little break from projects to do some fanart. Imagining a metroid prime game with GBA graphics.

126 741

It everyones favourite community manager, and wow addict

0 5

Just having Just having some fun with Pixels! I'm a big fan of these three!

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