Ein Vogel? 😨 Ein Flugzeug? 😱
Nein - das ist Maple auf ihrer gigantischen, fliegenden Babyschildkröte 💁‍♀️
Eine neue Folge von BOFURI erwartet euch heute um 15 Uhr!

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tfw i beat the hollow knight with quick slash and starwart shell

1 4

Il mare è quella cosa azzurra e fosca
che tu e io navigammo un giorno
e altri incanti poi, naufragi e tenerezze
a noi sparendo torbidamente avvolse

18 34

Am in zwei Wochen wird es auch koreanisch:
S(e)oul.mates ist die erste Tanz Crew des 1. K-Pop Tanzstudios SeoulStation Tanz! Sie trainieren nicht nur zu K-Covers, sondern auch zu K-Choreos der Tanzstudiotrainer. Es erwartet euch eine spannende Performance 😊

0 4

Also eigentlich kann ich es ja kaum erwarten mal Wieder im zu arbeiten :3

0 15

Heyo! I thought what if there was a creature that is pure and non-threatening, while also lives in the nether, thus I designed a flaming butterfly! The Flaemoth.

A mob that spawns in the Netherwart Forests, craving the pure light of Glowstone and Shroomlight.

270 2039

Tierisch guter Manga-Nachschub erwartet euch im Februar mit unserem neuen Boys Love "Wolfspapa im Schafspelz" und neuen Bänden von "BEASTARS" und vielen weiteren Titeln! https://t.co/unkWdtqYrZ

4 63

just wanted to bring together a few of my favourite pieces to mark the end of
this whole event has been wonderful and I can't remember the last time I felt so motivated to do so much art :)
Day 5 - Hibernation
Day 10 - Echoes
Day 14 - The Wall
Day 17 - Moon

1 11

DON'T LEAVE YET I still have one more!!!
thanks for a great month everyone :""))
even if I was a little behind I had an amazing time and it was so great to participate with lots of extremely talented artists!!

6 32

The Shaded Citadel is scary and all but The Underhang will always be the region I fear the most

1 7

Day 30: Underhang

I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something other than physical for today's Rain World Art Month prompt

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Day 30: The Underhang
A dangerous region only inhabited by a few predators. Some work together to catch their prey, while others use a more stealthy strategy... Today’s art piece.

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Day 29 - Spears
The pale scavenger queen rests impatiently upon her throne of wrought iron misery...

16 93

Day 29: Spears
Scavengers do not take kindly to those who pass through their settlements without paying the toll. Today’s art piece.

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Im April erwartet euch etwas ganz Besonderes! Mit »Anna Blue – Off the Record« präsentieren wir euch den Comic zur Internet-Sensation , die mit ihrer Musik, ihren Videos und ihrem Merchandise weltweit die Fanherzen höherschlagen lässt 💙

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sometimes I wonder if the hibernation chambers are really sealed tight enough to keep all the rain water out

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