eng trans: hey, sunshine? take/hold my hand
eng trans: so, would you take his hand?
[yes] [NO WAY!]

17 80

...I'm starting to realize I have a TYPE...
Your Boyfriend -
Sunny Day Jack -

7 31

Their first few months weren`t all that sunny if you ask me...

34 186

sword of Damocles
any situation threatening imminent harm or disaster.

13 116

looks like I have 2 boyfriends now...aaand they hate each other

12 46

⚠️Trigger warning: alcohol abuse ⚠️

Rin couldn’t stop repeating the voicemail she recently received..

41 353

Finally getting the time to introduce my Soña 😩

25 185

Well, this is Kellsey, he's very lazy, he has a very serious relationship with his bed. loves chocolate and cigarettes, hates being called by his name

9 37

this... this is art, right?

24 110

Ah yes another hyper-fixation {the 3 pretty people on the right belong to !} . Here’s Fae before and after the break up.

8 46

“Never seen two pretty best friends…..”

16 114

I am in love with this emo man 🖤

48 331

I have some hunches of Ian's cheating. I don't think he really want to do that. Maybe he was d//runk? Got s//piked maybe? I can tell he is regretting doing do. Really looking forward of him explaining why. Ian from (C)

9 58