My mom’s forcing me to dropout of school & p me 3 times because of it. Just retweeting my post means a lot! The money I need to reach is 1.7k.. unfortunately.

41 86

Have I posted this before?? It's VVV old.
I don't care it's not merMAY I'm a rebel.

33 449

i colored one of fuboos images ! from the yourboyfriend game! enjoY!! i still likethis, even tho i see a few MISTAKES but yah vuv

19 180

I got burnout.
Procreate - HD Pencil
Total time - 1hour 14min

10 131

I think i should go out and touch some grass.
Procreate - HD Pencil
Total Time - 3hour 5min

38 506

This one fanart of Peter for my monster AU still hunts me because of how much it reminds me of the zombies from this game

1 3

Some 'Initial D Eurobeat Meme Compilation' later and now here we are. Inspiration for the picture was the song "Manuel - Gas Gas Gas".

66 727

Oh, you just know there's a crime scene comin' soon when your man looks ready to go apeshit

4 65