ON NOW: Four Corners of One Cloth: Textiles from the Islamic World From Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Yemen – the four corners of the Ka’bah – textiles from our collection are brought together, extending to the widest reaches of influence of the Islamic world

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Life is rough.
Positive thinking is tough.
But no worry,
You'll recover slowly..
When Allah is your top priority...


Berminat untuk beli stok komik-komik dakwah, islamik lagi bermanfaat? Klik link ini: https://t.co/F0aC8eArVH

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Durante el mes de haré un nuevo reto ilustrativo el 30 díasMi reto consistirá en asociar cada palabra con un personaje de ficción. Día 14/30

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Lukisan digital karyaku Potrait dari KH. Agoes Ali Masyhuri ( ), pengasuh International Islamic Boarding School Bumi Shalawat Progresif.
Dilukis dengan aplikasi Artflow dan Galaxy Tab A with S pen

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Karya: Miiraimii

Terkadang selalu leka dan alpa
Itu lumrah manusia
Segeralah mohon taubat padaNya
Keampunan juga keredhaan

Berminat untuk beli stok komik-komik dakwah, islamik lagi bermanfaat? Klik link ini: https://t.co/F0aC8eArVH

Ws (Cik DKV): 013-914 8014

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ON NOW: Four Corners of One Cloth: Textiles from the Islamic World - from Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Yemen (the four corners of the Ka’bah), textiles from our collection are brought together, extending to the widest reaches of influence of the Islamic world

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Karya: Imanimex

Kadang2, hanya benda kecil boleh mencetuskan kemarahan. Sabar, nak marah macamana pun, jangan sampai merosakkan barang dan mencarut. Tak baik!

Berminat untuk beli stok komik-komik dakwah, islamik lagi bermanfaat? Klik link ini: https://t.co/F0aC8eArVH

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ON NOW: Four Corners of One Cloth: Textiles from the Islamic World
From Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Yemen – the four corners of the Ka’bah – textiles from our collection are brought together, extending to the widest reaches of influence of the Islamic world

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My cartoon deals w caravan of immigrants, that group that's been the target of incredible lies from being killers/rapists to radical Islamic activists and financed by Geo. Soros; NONE TRUE! Just folks seeking asylum.

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Karya: Imanimex

Islam mengajar kita utk berbuat baik sesama manusia.

Tetapi sayangnya, ramai manusia yg menyalahertikan kebaikan seseorang sehingga mereka ambil kesempatan atas kebaikan orang.

Jgn terlalu selesa mengambil kesempatan, kerana bimbang, diri sendiri pula yg kena.

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Some lino prints I did during the week as part of my new project inspired by Islamic Architecture. I love how speckled the first one turned out 😊

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Our FrankenFest Events begin today at USF with the launch of the rare book exhibit, "On the Bicentenary of Frankenstein: Mary Shelley and her Contemporaries." First Editions of Wealth of Nations, Life of Johnson, Marmion, The Revolt of Islam. Click here: https://t.co/HdQ4KMvHpJ

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Future is intriguing and art is an interesting medium to convey ypur imagination.
Exactly what did through his first digital illustration exhibition in Islamabad Arts & Crafts village.

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Join for On Saturday every library in will be turned into a place of fun, making and creating. There's something from all different cultures and interest backgrounds

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