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Hola! Soy IsiL, un placer conocerte! Me encanta jugar a rol y mi master constantemente me está pidiendo que dibuje mapas, diseñe personajes de sus campañas, etc. Te paso unas muestras y mi portfolio:
Mil gracias por tu tiempo!

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Congrats for the 3.1k and thanks for the artshare! I'm IsiL, freelancer illustrator who enjoys drawing fantasy.

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Hello! I'm IsiL, a freelancer illustrator who enjoys drawing fantasy. Hope you like my work!

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Hello ! I'm IsiL, a Spanish illustrator freelancer who enjoys drawing fantasy! I'm interested in concept art, illustration, cover art, character design and editorial illustration!

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Hi! I'm IsiL, nice to meet you! I draw a lot of illustrations about fantasy, so I would like to share with you some of my work, hoping you like it.
And if you like to see more, here you have my online portfolio https://t.co/WXci8pw1DG
Thanks a lot for your time!

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AU Anar and Isil in sleek university uniforms. Anar would def be a Starbucks fiend.

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Hola! Soy IsiL, encantada! No sé si mi estilo encaja con lo que buscas, pero te paso mi portfolio, esperando que te guste mi trabajo!

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Holis! Pues soy IsiL, un placer conoceros! Soy ilustradora profesional, y disfruto un montón dibujando libritos y cuentitos. También diseño personajes, logos y todo lo que se me eche encima.
Espero que guste lo que hago :D

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Hi! I hope you had a great birthday!
I'm IsiL, nice to meet you! I'm a freelance illustrator who enjoys drawing and designing fantasy characters. Hope you like my work!

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Hola! Soy IsiL, un placer! Aquí muestro algunas de mis ilustraciones.
Si interesa ver más, por favor, visitad

Mil gracias!

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It's time again!

Hi! I'm IsiL, a freelance Spanish illustrator who enjoys drawing fantasy stuff. Hope you like my work!

✏️ https://t.co/WXci8pw1DG
All social media: https://t.co/vvLnZnE1CL


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I'm Isil, a young Italian Concept Art student! I love RPGs and my drawings are mostly Dnd and Fantasy related!
If you like my work, please support my art journey and follow me on my accounts!

You can find all my contact info here:

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Hello Lynn! I'm IsiL, nice to meet you! I don't know if my style is the one you're looking for, but if you like my work, don't don't hesitate to contact me 😊

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Y, nada, ya que estoy, pues me voy a presentar. Soy IsiL! Soy de Madrid (de ese agujero podrido, sep), pero el rol y la ilustración son mi droga. Me gusta el maquillaje artístico, pero se me da bastante mal, no nos vamos a engañar jajajaja. Y nada, un placer conocerte :D

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Venga va.
Gracias por el artshare y felices fiestas! Soy IsiL, un placer conoceros a todes. Soy ilustradora freelance y disfruto muchísimo dibujando fantasía.
Estoy en proceso de convertirme en concept artist mientras voy haciendo encargos, así que espero que guste lo que hago.

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Hi! I'm IsiL, nice to meet you and thanks for the artshare!
Those are my proudest works.
my goals for this new year are:
- Draw more and more books!
- Maybe try to publish my own children books
- Have fun meeting new artists
- And learn a lot as concept artist!

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Thank you and nice to meet you! I'm IsiL! Your dragons are so cute. I really like them. I don't draw dragons (yet), but I drewone of their third cousin (a dragonborn).
Anyway, I would like to show you some fantasy illustrations, hoping you like them :D

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Hello!! And thanks for the artshare! I'm IsiL! Nice to meet you! I'm a Spanish freelance illustrator who loves drawing fantasy. Hope you like my work!

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