//spoiler from the newest chapter pv + with my annoying comments

draw dumb fanart of sariel before the storm comes

7 13


限定ガチャ[时间的彼岸・弦音](12/16 6:00〜12/22 5:59)に、[★6]齐司礼・触目如故が期間限定で加わり確率UPで獲得。
ただし12/10 6:00〜12/16 5:59の期間の確率UPは享受しない。


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限定ガチャ[时间的彼岸・余音](12/10 6:00〜12/16 5:59)に、[★6]夏鸣星・若我失序が期間限定で加わり確率UPで獲得。 
ただし12/16 6:00〜12/22 5:59の期間の確率UPは享受しない。


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Because it seems like... there's already no way for me to keep walking down the path with you anymore.

4 20

You should learn to be a little smarter, don't always get carried away.

2 17

What's behind this case is overly complicated. I don't want you to get involved in this.

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"I am not designing to show the beauty of clothing."

Chapter 9-10 is finally translated! Now if you may excuse me, please let me cry over Sariel 😭💘
🔗 https://t.co/UMsFcAKD8R


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11/23 蕭逸生日快樂❤️❤️❤️

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