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JESSE ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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314 6208

Jesse’s trip to the Poké Mart!!!

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Lalo Gus Nacho and Jesse 🩸

Gonna do Saul, Kim, Walter, and Kid Named Finger next

6 33

Smoke / Ashes by Alex De Campi, Igor Kordey, Milton Sobreiro, Felipe Sobreiro, Carla Speed McNeil, Richard Pace, Dan McDaid, Mack Chater, Colleen Doran, Bill Sienkiewicz, Alice Duke, Alex Ćurin, Jesse Hamm, R. M. Guéra, and others

My review here: https://t.co/NcfWlagm0Z

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And as a treat here’s the Weiss warm up sketch. Tifa x Jesse and Marin are on Paidtreon also.

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Only season 2 was released in Japan and I played that properly too...!!!👍👍👍
I love Jesse....🥹

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Mindlessly doodling Jesse Pinkman... my girlfriend

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Livid (2011) The suggestion of a big treasure hidden somewhere inside Mrs Jessel's once renowned classical dance academy will become an irresistible lure to a fiendish trap for Lucie and her friends. Catherine Jacob, Marie-Claude Pietragalla, Chloe Coulloud.

1 4

i present to you, ♠️ jesse ♣️
without shading. you're welcome :3

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