When fighting Monsters, we are stronger together. Read Legends of Fomora, a fantasy story about how being brave and scared are the same thing.


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Treat yourself to a tale of finding forgotten things! The Forgotten Village is up on Webtoons with a phone friendly version!



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Grab a buddy and get reading! There are five chapters of Legends of Fomora! Time to get caught up before the last season!


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Join us on Patreon for exclusive content, like the Codex Fomora – a druidic text detailing the phenomena seen throughout the comic!


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Fight Monsters! Read Legends of Fomora and learn, with Baeve, that being brave and being scared are often the same thing!


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3 character concept sketches from my fantasy comic book series I hope I can get funded on either kick or indie this year.

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I had to make a couple revisions to this piece. Digital painting of a character from my To be used as an alternate cover for issue 1.

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If there’s anyone left who’s not sick of me going on about my I go on about it a bit more over at the suitably titled Boys Adventure Comics blog. You can read my interview at https://t.co/Wl0pZckTnv

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