So pleased to be able to feature so many compelling female characters in Indie Pogo <3


43 207

Dear . I'm Shiro. From Kazakhstan. Since PoGo updated I got no Gen3 pokemon from incense, lures, raids, nests. Weather affected pokemon are only Gen1 and a bit of Gen2. I caught a couple of new pokemon, but it took me hours to find one :c Please, help.💜

16 104

Just got done with my first Christmas themed drawing of the month.
Pogo's head must be super warm with the whole afro placed in.

2 2

An Interview with Professionals!
Draconius GO is always being compared to Pokemon GO. We thought it over and decided to hear from those who can really make a comparison knowing some things about PoGo.

3 23

My Pogo/Snake Wings iPhone case sample came in and it looks so good aaaaaaa
Now I really can't wait to officially launch the RedBubble shop. Only a couple more days! :O

2 11

Here are some characters from the upcoming platform brawler Indie Pogo by (Shovel Knight, Teslagrad, Downwell, Freedom Planet...)

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If you missed our Indie Pogo Direct, it's here in the new update! Plus we had a shocking reveal!!!

86 328

Yay charity work! Drew some for a related food drive event with some local people.

1 3

Dream character Ajna, How about it ? Would you want her in 's Indie Pogo?

2 11

Dream Character Lea, how about it ? Could we get Lea in Indie Pogo? (or does even want her in...?)

5 33

Dream Indie Pogo character Undyne!

0 2

More Surface Pro/Leonardo art. My trainer and her friends 😋#pogo

1 2

Art for 's Kickstarter Project, Indie Pogo

Featuring Shovel Knight, CommanderVideo, Sash Lilac and Orcane

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Prehysterical Pogo (In Pandemonia)
Walt Kelly: Prehysterical Pogo Panel

5 4

Bonus Page! Demon of the Underground ch.04p.02 is up! Pogo what did you just do?? :O

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5 23

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend...Learn to pogo!

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