
Behind on my so hopefully I can catch up later today >:D This was meant for yesterday, but I was too sleepy to finish.

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Machine puppets, though fragile in appearance, are frighteningly strong and lethal. It is unknown who their creator is, but it is clear that care was put into their construction.

43 202

from vs from the revolution will be only be with the fastest 🏍 known to anime and !!Also put up color, line and sketch version

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💊En plein visionnage de (ou en France comme pour la série de 1992, on ressent toujours la fascination de & pour Entre enfants aux pouvoirs psychiques, mutation, télékinésie... Et Gotham, héritière de NeoTokyo. 💊

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"Un dessin unique dans Akira nous les montre, tous les trois, en ombre chinoise, en train de dévaler un hall. Au travers d’une baie vitrée, Neo Tokyo semble s’estomper dans l’intimité nocturne."

Extrait part 3: https://t.co/eSumIVEWEv

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