Desenho aleatório eeeeeee c:

Como sempre: Finalizado//Line//Rascunho

(🔁+❤=Refrizinha Feliz :D)

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I'm gonna start doing this cause it's a great way to showcase amazing Artists. -

This week I want to show off the work of artist .

She has a graphic novel and her own tarot deck publishing in Spring 2020.

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"She didn’t roar. She didn’t even speak. She just looked at—through—me. At the top of the mountain, the Will’s visage bore down upon me with a peculiar weight: not hunger or violence, nor even curiosity, but a sort of expectation. "

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3/4(mon)@新宿CLUB SCIENCE


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Here is a 20 minute figure drawing using the ne technique. Drawing the figure using shape instead of line is a great way to shock my system into seeing things differently! Nupastel on toned paper.

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Hello, Twitter! Would you like to meet my new son? He's very rude and also gay. ✨

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새로운 친구 버섯 강아지🍄
🍄 멍ㅇ멍멈 - ! 멍쉬룸

냉장고에서 살고 있는 세라베어와
야채칸에서 만났답니다 호호😉
(빨간 독버섯과 노루궁뎅이 버섯)

New friend mushroom puppy!
Cerabear lives in the refrigerator.
So, They met at crisper. 🥦🍉🍋

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Big butts, big smooch. A cute pic with with her marefriend in Latex suits!

Drawn by

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Helanthaflora Basin is home to all manner of folk, from the prestigious Maliron University of Arcana, to communes of bold alchemists harvesting exotic ingredients, to the mysterious graeoln: a race of mutated moth-people that live in peaceful seclusion.

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I'm gonna start doing this cause it's a great way to showcase amazing Artists. -

This week I want to show off the work of artist .

Digging the work. Specially the Gundam stuff.

1 13

Hello hello! Welcome to
Today’s Mao art is by the ever lovely whom I have been following for oh so many years now! I hope you enjoy it as much as I still do <3

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For this we are highlighting the work by . It was hard to pick just one to post, but this tiefling rogue has a "Hara-esque" vibe. Check out their twitter for more pics, or for prints head to

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two carmens for the price of one refrigerator

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I'm gonna start doing this cause it's a great way to showcase amazing Artists. -

This week I want to show off the work of artist ?

I just love all the art in this page.

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For I would like to showcase Jamm, the leader of the Smootcade Squad! He likes to eat, lay around, and oh yeah - save the day!

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first name Refried, last name Beans

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