"Yacht rock" refers to the highly polished brand of soft rock that emanated from Southern California between 1976 and 1984. Nobody pays tribute better than BOAT HOUSE ROW!

See 'em outside on 4/24: https://t.co/L2dQXAACvc

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💎 Tokenize it! 💎

✨ Artwork by
💰 Sold to willzy for 0.77 ETH ($1,384.14)


0 4

劇場版 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編 377.7億(現在384.5億) *続映中
映画ドラえもん のび太の新恐竜 33.5億
劇場版 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 21.4億 *続映中
劇場版 Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] Ⅲ.spring song 19.5億

1 1

Brian Aldiss, Earthworks
Four Square, 1968. Cover: Karel Thole
New English Library, 1972. Cover: Bruce Pennington
Panther/Granada, 1984. Cover: Peter Elson

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「鬼滅の刃 無限列車編」興行収入概算


222 1026

On sale for $429,484. I'll sell you a jpeg for a dollar. Or fuck it, have this one for free.
https://t.co/uXGUe4uBou https://t.co/CY55ABLgco

1 14

2020: Cha. 8,5/10

Una mirada a la masacre de sijs que se produjo en la India en 1984.

Obra de realizada en la por , que se puede ver en como parte de la 'Memoria Animada' de .

Leer más y trailer: https://t.co/LBCeUM5UcG

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184. Phrycape
[Insecte] [Vol]
Fkmn Cape
Il enroule ses ailes autour de son corps comme une cape pour se protéger des éléments. Le battement de ses ailes a quelque chose d'un peu hypnotique.

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🏔 Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt /.
Prag: F. Tempsky, 1879-1884.

1 2

Intensas anomalías de temperatura esta semana en y el con máximas hasta 10°C sobre típicos a la fecha👇En (en extremo sur de Sudamerica) temperatura en Feb.27 superó con 26,1°C🔥récord histórico de 1984. https://t.co/z3zEnnX3dH

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🏔 Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt /.
Prag: F. Tempsky, 1879-1884.

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A comic strip based on the primetime soap DALLAS ran in newspapers from 1981-84.

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Four vintage pen plotter advertisements showing predominantly business charts, around 1984.

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🏔 Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt /.
Prag: F. Tempsky, 1879-1884.

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Doodle 84. Hello there! Did you miss me?

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Monotone posters for the Hungarian releases of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi by Tibor Helenyi, 1979-1984. Found on twitter

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Bisschen unausgegorenes Gekritzel zu Gronkh und dem Buddy Simulator 1984. Omis sind gefährliche Waffen!

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