Cambridgeshire County Council awarded grant to open up traffic management data using the platform for analysis and visualisation

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Cambrian ecosystems could be quite complex, with many of the hallmarks of a modern benthic community. The dioramas do a great job of showing this, with priapulids like Ottoia and Selkirkia being a major infaunal component. Second image from

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Today's Cambrian creatures (find them in 's new fossil hall opening this Saturday) are Ottoia (first) and Selkirkia (second). These predatory worms had vicious mouthparts covered in teeth, hooks and spines (third). Images by

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The Fossil Halls re-open this Saturday, so I want to highlight some cool invertebrates you'll find in the early life area. First is Waptia, an awesome Cambrian arthropod that's sometimes preserved with its eggs (ecr and ecl below)!


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Il a chanté le dernier générique de fin de la 2e série de Lupin the 3rd (Edgar détective cambrioleur), mais Noboru Kimura s'est souvent caché derrière plusieurs noms...
À écouter Lundi 21h & 2h > Mardi 11h > Jeudi 15h > Samedi 17h > Dimanche 14h sur

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Almost finished! This stunning piece of for University has been quite some time in the making but the results speak for themselves! Terrific work by Elizabeth Sinkova at our studio!

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Burn Seditionaries Mask T-shirts
お馴染みの Cambridge Rapist のモチーフに Burn

只今店頭、Web にて白、黒販売中でございます。


Web shopping 👇

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Reading an awesome acorn worm developmental bio paper. It can be so hard to find a clear drawing of a really specific structure (especially ones lost in ontogeny, like the juvenile post-anal tail); useful for my postdoc on their Cambrian cousins

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Tonight, join our CAMBRIDGE OK2BME Youth Group for a gaymes night at Queen's Square!

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Bénis soient les artistes qui dessinent Sam cambré.

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This week's
Inspired by playing with my son at Alexander Kemp Playground in Cambridge, MA.

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Coheed and Cambria is something of a big deal around the house. So I got you this Claudio Sanchez. Welcome home, to a new fan art friday!... Here to Mars!


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The call for proposals for Engage, our learning and teaching conference on 25 June in Cambridge, closes on Monday 27 May.

Choose from a workshop (60 min.), presentation (30 min.) or poster.

Illustration by

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A self portrait of Cecil Beaton at Cambridge 1910.

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Up until the 8th June. Step in for a beverage when you’re enjoying a sunny day in

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Painting by Jude D'Lime from Cambridge School, Mumbai - winner of bronze medal in art competition for Oct to Dec 18.
Participate in Khula Aasmaan art contest for children (5 to 15 years) and college students (16 to 25 years) :

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