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Deli mart with a golden sky above, painted on location in watercolor and gouache. Watch on YouTube: https://t.co/3T49jQ67s8

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Elle fait plein de beaux projets : urbansketch, design de posters cools etc
Très Protéiforme comme on aime

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Én de Watertoren op de Wageningse Berg💚 Hij stond al zolang op me te wachten..🤠 Best druk dáár met wandelaars & fietsers, aardig volk die wageningers.

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Pine trees in a local park. 🌲 🦆 🦆

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YOWZAH both of my workshops are sold out omg!! Looking forward to having some decent pizza, Chinese food, ooohhh and hopefully not freeze my arse off, it cold oyyyy, GOT MUCHO GLOVES! <3 https://t.co/iYo1mqqFsh

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Hoy es nuestro Martes de Inspiración más andaluz y queremos celebrarlo con las hermosuras de , una de nuestras superclases patrias 💚🤍💚

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