The Nordic Tall Whites from Aldebaran have been reported in the underground bases of Antarctica...the inner earth.

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MYL-LA N-TROK is a commander in the Galactic Federation from the Crux constellation also better known as the Solar Cross .

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Lightbeings are common throughout the universe but the Lyrans are some of the most evolved and of the higest density.

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The Anunnaki royal half-siblings Nin, Enki and Enlil observing the take-off their fighter jets.

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Elongated skulls are found in many ancient civilizations but also in various alien races. A connection or coincidence?


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Anunnaki royal scientist Nin, sister of Enki and half-sister of Enlil, is one of the smartest and most likeable characters in SKY GODZ season

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The universe is full of diversity but most of all beauty... like this being from Vega in the Lyran constellation.

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Kuthumi is one of the most powerful commanders of the Ashtar Command as well as an Ascended Master and world teacher.

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Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, made it his mission to revenge his father's murder by Seth and regain reign over lower Egypt.


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Bad plot hook: The king has been rounding up extraterrestrials in a secretive fortress. Local villagers are preparing to Longstrider run at the fortress as a group, hoping to "see them Aasimars"

Your task is to either join them or convince them not to get themselves killed.

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Over 70 years ago Kenneth Arnold had an encounter with flying saucers that looked just in like this drawing.

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Enki in the style of the show in front of the Anunnaki base at Maputo, Sourh Africa from SKY GODZ season 1.


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Anunnaki royal scientist Nin, sister of Enki and half-sister of Enlil, is one of the main characters in SKY GODZ

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The evil Triumvirate of the ORION EMPIRE in one image. Left to right: Rigelian Grey, Alpha Draconian and Rigelian White Grey.

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