A woman who’s responsible for attracting attention to others while a majestic whale takes control of fast navigation.


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A whale that can use a pair of cannons; they can fire a burst of water when activated in a split second, dealing heavy damage to its opponents.

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A Pokemon who swims very fast and can save lives of drowning people by inflating its yellow swimming pouch to create a surface for them.


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A Pokemon who used its mouth underwater during the hunt, waiting for an inattentive victim who will swim in the trap for itself.


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A Pokemon who can swim by moving its two tails in the end and can see everything either in water or on the surface.


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I leave this drawing of hazemi and a kiss to , who made the sketch and gave me permission to transfer it to digital~

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A horned sea goat who was born under the sign of a symbolic image that has a classification of water and earth.


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A humanoid who was born under the sign of a symbolic image, which is considered a group of fish that have a variable classification of water.


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A small aquatic creature who dreams of becoming the greatest fisherman and the main leader for fellow citizens in an oceanic environment.


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A penguin who works in a bakery, a small non-mechanized enterprise for baking and selling confectionery products.


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A Pokemon who thinks out a battle strategy when taking full advantage of the landscape in battle, as well as its main ability to disappear in a wet state.


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