So myself and one of indie's favourite letterer have been accepted into newest upcoming anthology. Watch for our story 'Right Under Your Nose'.

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My creator owned comic in the making...Stay tuned !!!
"I keep it caged but I can't control it"🐯⚡️
not a

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A few neat things done for Adelita 3017, I can't say more or show for the moment. Hope you like it!

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New series from Fate68 Comix. A must have for any fan of, well... anything! # fate68comix

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i wanna show a sneak peak of the comic i'm working on called "Amno Swordsman"
here's tonight's panel in full PNG form

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It's not easy being famous ✨

I'm almost done with the artwork for issue 2 of ALTERED EGO. Stay tuned for more reveals!

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