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FM84.2 午前11時より サテライトスタジオから2時間の公開生放送! 本日1/20(水)の【Wh Tsukua】は立川記子がお届け致します! 今日のメッセージテーマは「最近嬉しかったおもてなし」です。皆様からのメッセージ、お待ちしております!

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[하나마키 타카히로의 생일 D-7]
아오바조사이고교 3학년 3반
등번호: 3
포지션: 윙 스파이커
키: 184.7cm
몸무게: 72.0kg (4월 기준)
점프 최고 도달점: 327cm
좋아하는것: 슈크림
별명: 맛키
최근의 고민: 팔씨름에서 어떻게 해 봐도 이와이즈미를 이길 수 없다.

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Happy birthday to Arthur Ransome, author of the Swallows and Amazons children's book series, born in 1884. We're delighted to have in our collection, 'Portrait of Arthur Ransome' by British artist Dora Altounyan, painted in 1930.

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84. 비켜요, 엔딩은 내가 정합니다
카카페 / 녹타 / 필연
2020.09 완결

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84.宇宙野 白裏(ホワイトホール)

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Artes oficiais da Diana e Cheetah em Mulher Maravilha 1984.

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🏔 Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt /.
Prag: F. Tempsky, 1879-1884.

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Sailing into the with a new From Venise Celeste, a collection of art inspired by Moebius' trip to Italy throughout the early '80s. Published in 1984. 🛶⚡

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Still one of my favourite bands, never should have sold my vinyl, but hey iTunes works. Punk Rat cartoon tribute. Freak is my favourite. Singles album 1981-84.

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私のTwitterの価値は : ¥31,684.34


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— WONDER WOMAN 84. Normalement je mets un emoji "navet" quand il s'agit de truc naze mais là ça serait un irrespect pour ce légume que de l'associer à ce film. Ma palette de "note" s'agrandit. La nuit du 1er la tradition c'est de voir un film nul, là ça va au-delà. 💩.

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🏔 Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt /.
Prag: F. Tempsky, 1879-1884.

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Yesterday I saw And I need to draw this shipping. Also, I want to do some Cartoon Style practice.

PD: I love as Wonder Woman

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