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Transformation complete! Magical Ascian Girl, Igeyorhm the Martyr

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1530s England imagined from 1620s/30s Spain
Vicente Carducho (Museo Nacional del Prado)

Martyrdom of 3 Carthusians at London
Martyrdoms of Frs John Rochester & James Walworth
Martyrdom of Priors of London, Nottingham & Axholme
Imprisonment of 10 members of London Charterhouse

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Il avait cru avoir dépassé les limites de la mort. Il était supérieur à tout le vivant. Il s’est servi de la planète comme d’une grande salle de jeu. Son déni du réel l’a rattrapé et la plongé dans la fragilité de sa propre réalité!

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Left: The Young Martyr by Paul Delaroche
Right: Final Fantasy VII

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7/ St Agatha - Another mutilated Christian martyr, Agatha had her breasts cut off and is usually seen carrying them on a plate. Born in Catania in Sicily, she spurned the advances of a Roman pagan. First they put her in a brothel. Then they tried to burn her.

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“Live or die, I will bring you home.”
Ch 276 - I came to martyr you

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Foot soldiers are acting as a vanguard for the rest of the army; they are sort of martyrs; they only know for one direction - forward - sacrificing themselves in never-stopping battles for "higher causes."

Please meet the G- and H-Pawn, wrecks from numerous combat missions...

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A Secular Martyrdom, 18”x24” oil on cancas

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St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, lawyer, Capuchin martyr, and zealous preacher of the faith, pray for us!

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「Stigmata Martyr」

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Until the time one is not a (living) martyr, one cannot become a martyr. Condition to become a martyr is to be a martyr. If you see someone who gives out the fragrance of a martyr from his words, his behaviour, his manners; know that he will become a martyr.⁣
— Ghasim Soleimani

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In the Highschool RP my main Antangonist Catnip has found Love~ With the FRIGGIN AMAZING 's Martyr!!
Villain OTP. Hands down. Best Villain Ship.

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François Baillairgé.1759-1830. Homme vu de dos,brandissant un fouet d'après 'Le Martyre de Saint André'.1778-1781. Sanguine sur papier. Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec.

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April 17th is the feast of Blessed Paul of St. Magdalen (born Henry Heath): English librarian, convert to Catholicism, Franciscan friar, Professor of Theology, Vicar and Custos of Douai, writer, missionary to England, and martyr—hanged, drawn, and quartered on this day in 1643.

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