(Street Fighter VS Mortal Kombat)

Who wins, and why?

3 16

(DC VS Samurai X)

Random Encounter

Location: Open Field

Can the Dark Knight topple the Battousai? Who wins, and why?

3 14

Enid VS Jo (OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes VS Kid Cosmic)『Suggested by
Purple-haired teen girls who work mundane jobs and get thrust into heavy-duty superhero work.

3 8

Frank has many weapons from pym particles, weapons that destroyed rhino's armor, to magic bullets that go through magic barriers. Frank has beaten in hand to hand combat daredevil, wolverine, captain america, deadpool, bullseye. One batch two batch penny and dime

0 3

Hat Kid (A Hat in Time) VS Umbrella (Skullgirls)

3 8