Zdzislaw Beksinski

Grandir comme on peut, mais grandir quand même / Grow as you can, but still grow

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idk bacio sam neki brzinski sketch nek se nađe

1 28

Maksymilian Novák-Zempliński - Bez tytułu (z cyklu Spatium) (olej), 2005, fot. Polswiss Art.

4 17

У меня глупые шутки ХДД спасибо за новость Origin of Chaos. Оно вдохновило на что-то глупое ХД

Ну вы поняли 😬

2 17

these are all default brushes in procreate. I don't usually use the flat brush for colouring, but it's pretty fun! I usually use the medium airbrush for rendering & gesinski ink for foliage

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I'm into the Giger/Beksinski aesthetic, more "unsettling and weird" than horror, but that's my thing


3 10

↳ rango (2011) dir. gore verbinski

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“no man can walk out of his own story.”

0 3

Sapete da dove partì il suo sogno astratto?

Aprii la porta dello studio e vidi un quadro indescrivibilmente bello. Era un mio quadro che era stato appoggiato al cavalletto capovolto.

Kandinskij, Primo acquerello astratto, 1910

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A redraw of one of my favorite scenes from , trying to get a better grasp on lighting and shadowing

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Been learning a bit about this artist called Zdzislaw Beksinski last couple days and his work is insane

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I often repeat myself, my wife just says I'm turning into Paul Merson the older I get... anyway here goes.. and again and again! no fish were harmed in the making of these toons

1 10

Gore Verbinski directed all of these.

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