Easter is almost here! 🐣🌸 Traditional Polish Dishes illustrated by Asia Pietrzyk ()

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If you are not already following Wilhelm Kotarbinski , I highly recommend that you do

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February 17th is Cat's Day in Poland! Illustrations by Kasia Fryza, featured in her book, "Kot - Instrukcja Obstugi" or "Cat - User Manual".

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If you are not already following Jacek Malczewski , I highly recommend that you do

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Ferdynand Ruszczyc - Nec mergitur (olej na płótnie, 203 x 219 cm), 1905, Litewskie Muzeum Narodowe w Wilnie.

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Please give a follow to Jacek Malczewski if you are not following already

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Bolesław Cybis - Boże Narodzenie w Łowiczu (olej, tempera na sklejce, 86 x 77,5 cm), 1930.

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Władysław Chmieliński (Stachowicz) - Warszawa. Widok Starego Miasta od strony Wisły (olej na płótnie, 50 x 35 cm), przed 1960, fot. Agra-Art.

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