Corona-Skizzen 434: Der Regen kommt. Trzęsacz, Polen. Aquarell 18x26cm.
Heute der Versuch, ein „typischeres“ Aquarell hinzubekommen.

6 65

by sexy

Elsa loves looking in the mirror and making herself sexy for her boyfriend, Bela. A little perfume here, and mascara there, plus a liter or two of lipstick does the job just right 💋

2 35

No 20: SEXY
Erwin hat den heißen Look und außerdem den unwiderstehlichen „GERUCH“

Erwin has the hot look and also the irresistible "SMELL".

6 31

ich hab mich jetzt mal am Programmierhuhn versucht 😅 hatte leider nicht so viel Zeit 😂

2 32

Thank you very much for the invitation ! Ok...I'm Stefan and I like to doodle classically and digitally...often without colors...I nominate (bitte zeig uns deine Kunst🙏🏼!) and the entire

5 11

Corona-Skizzen 432: „Einer passt nicht zu den anderen“. Barranca de Garcey, Fuerteventura. Aquarell 18x26cm

4 62

Wann sind wir den in Berlin? Ich sehe nur Wolken und Wasser! Dreiauge wenn du dir keine Sonnenbrille hättest kaufen wollen,wären wir mit dem Zug schon da!

0 11

No penguins, but two cats for a change. A little birthday present for my friend and colleague. (Those are his cats, btw. 😅Aren't they adorable?)

1 17

Thanks to for inviting me to this Here are some of my flower and plant sketches.
I'd love to see some of your and all of

4 28

I just joined an this week.
But this one is about birds - there is no way to skip it😉
Thanks a lot for the invite!
Here are some of my more recent works.
As usually I don‘t tag anyone special, but everybody at

4 14