Retargeting the animations went smooth \o/ !

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An Aku doodle before geting back to commissions. Fact: I love this guy but never seen samurai jack

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A “myth-mash” will be served later in May!
“From the Acorn of Truth…” journeys back to a time when fact & legend collided! @ for alerts & “The V” to date!

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. really out here targeting me specifically with their villains

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Get your “history helmet” on!
THE VANGUARDIAN: Ep.3 - “From the Acorn of Truth…” will be hitting the ether later in the month! Read “The V’” to date @ &join up free while you’re there!

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When is a yarn a “rippin’ yarn?”
Join free @ to find out! to read ALL our titles to date! That’s over 200+ pages free!

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“We make rippin’ yarns!” That’s what we do at DANGER COMICS! We pay homage to classic & @ free thread all our titles to date!

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Gemma has overtaken Ian Beale from in the 😂 Keep going 🏅

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Read THE VANGUARDIAN to date @
The adventure starts in his visions…but, are the visions his?
Episode 3: “From the Acorn of Truth…” slams the ether in May!

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It is long beyond the time when should have removed the account of
Here she targets 16 year old Greta Thunberg as a Nazi child. There are no circumstances where freedom of speech can be invoked as a defence in defaming and cruelly targeting kids.

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THE VANGUARDIAN saga continues in May!
A rippin’, yarn by
(story/art) & edited by
Dave Thomas (ANOMALIES/THE ANOMALY.) @ for alerts & ALL the comics to date!

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【4/28sun 12:00-17:00】 “NOT ALONE CAFE” is a event targeting at foreigners newly moved to Japan. It has been taken place in Tokyo and will be opened in Osaka.

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They’ll fight for something you take for granted; but, never really had!
The third episode hits in May @
Read “THE V” to date at the site & free!

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Persona Compendium Fool Arcana, Arsène
Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief created by Maurice Leblanc. He was known for targeting criminals or those who were much worse than himself. He might have been partly inspired by the French anarchist Marius Jacob.

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Dive in! The water’s DANGER-ous!
THE VANGUARDIAN will hit the ether for the third installment of Vol.1: Kings & Pawns soon @
Join free at the site to read
"THE V” to date!

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Stay tuned for update for the next
VANGUARDIAN yarn! News, updates, & tidbits on its progress to come! Join @ for ALL our rippin’ yarns to date!

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been super busy & don’t have a lot of new stuff to show you, but here’s a bunch of concept art i’ve done for

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Alright alright as hinted at the other day I'm gonna open up some more commission stuff for convention budgeting! Some folk already put interest in you know who you are hit me up if you're still up - but for others it's same as last time, £15 to have scared ice try something!

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I keep forgeting that QR is that bitch dlfklwekr

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