
🎁Cyber Week Etsy -10/30% sur tout -> https://t.co/L9XaLGXQuX
🎁-25% jusqu'à ce soir seulement !-> https://t.co/RRzv8VoKCs

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Good luck to all of you who are running the today! Consider these tips we've visualised from The Spruce to avoid any unwanted injuries, from warming up to listening to your body.

Explore more of our in our full archive here: https://t.co/wIQbGC2OmR

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A wee watercolour rhino I recently did. A whole lot of folks are running the for this weekend who do powerful conservation work. Any spare change that can put towards their work would be much appreciated! https://t.co/Ae3b7DNBfG

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Good luck to all our amazing followers who will be running the tomorrow!

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I don't think that's what's meant by a fartlek!! 🤨🤢🏃‍♂️🦡 training
Raising money for so please donate at https://t.co/QBE1jyVeAh

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We are feeling sad for all of those that had been training to run the 2020 today!

Have you taken part in a previous year?

Did you know that we have customisable posters on our website? Check out our sports page here:


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He may not have been dressed as Big Ben, but our trustee Mark completed the yesterday!

His fundraising campaign for the project is still going strong, and you can donate: https://t.co/wuoXnDQmTg

We like to imagine Mark ran a little like here:

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Gemma has overtaken Ian Beale from in the 😂 Keep going 🏅

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Good luck today marathon runners! 🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️👊🏼🤘🏻🙌🏻
Always so inspiring!

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Massive WHOOP to all the runners today pushing themselves and raising money for incredible causes.

Zhang Yaxi ; David Govedare ; Kostas Varotsos ; Halliday Avray Wilsons

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Good luck everyone! Listen to your bodies and take your time (to a point, of course)

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The Angry Giant is hoping to get a few more people to vote for our book tomorrow in London.


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Were you inspired by the runners at the weekend? Here's some events coming up in the South West next month that you could take part in and raise money for SAV.

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